#101: Echo

Dan at an audition

I’m finally back on the mic, talking about echoes, auditions and echoes. Echo sucking materials (rigid fiberglass), sealing tubes of goo, going to the accountant, going “radio,” Hudson’s first audition…

Write me with suggestions for The Bitterest Pill Volume 2 and the Public Radio Talent Quest.

13 thoughts on “#101: Echo

  1. Hey Dan! im glad you posted a new show. Ive been missigng them. But I have a request. I dont know what the rest of your audience thinks but I really dont care about echo and all that sound issues, except the show you made with your ipod broken.

    Post the shows you made and didnt put in the feed. They actually cant get any worse and I mean that in the best possible way.

    I didnt enjoy this show very much. your concern about making money makes me nervous. Makes me guilty about not being worried about my financial situation.

    I complain, but im here downloading it in dialup the day you put it in the feed.

    I stink

    See u

  2. Dan – you can’t be spayed. (That’s a hysterectomy, and you don’t have those parts). Neutering, however, is a different story.

    Good to hear you again.

    We need some echo-sucking stuff too, but we are probably just going to nail a comforter to the wall. Or egg-crate bedding, which we bought for the daughter with the “princess and the pea” bedding needs… if we can find it in the basement.


    Don’t worry about your income. You have the most important job in the world, and your kids are lucky to have you there for them. They’ll thank you in another 15 years or so. Hang in there.

    Working Mom who is so very blessed to have a stay-at-home Dad for a husband.

  3. Dan,

    I can speak to the neutering thing… I think that knowing that we males can no longer father progeny, the neutering may not have the same effect. Now, I only got myself soldered, not de-balled as you would a dog.

    Dan-ism. I sense a potential market here… Pepe’s obviously already in. That or you could be a de-Motivational speaker?

    And, I agree the Burger King money looks damned good once you factor the number of hours you work for the Man.

    I can totally identify with that feeling you get when you suddenly realize that your kids are becoming -real- individuals. There’s nothing… NOTHING… in this world that can replace that. You brought a tear to my eye with this one, man. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I just filled out a bunch of financial aid forms (perpetual student type, yes) and ran up against questions about listing all dependents for whom I provide half of the support… and had to ask myself, well, I sure as heck aren’t making any money, but I spend all day, every day being available to my two-year-old. Does that constitute providing half of the support? If you convert it into the money we’d have to pay someone else to give him that kind of attention, absolutely. I hear you about wanting to make some money, but however sociological and trite it sounds, I really do think we primary caregivers (female or male) are stuck in the trap of undervaluing our own domestic labor, just because nobody pays us for it. You’re a great dad. I can tell.

  5. Hey Dan

    Glad you’re back at it.

    Show’s playing now, so I don’t know if I’m already too late. Oh good. Sounds now like you’re still looking at alternatives.

    I decided to put my 2 cents in…but Judy kinda beat me to it. I wanted to suggest maybe old blankets. Perhaps hung from slightly angled boards at the top and/or with some boards nailed behind to break up the flatness.

    Oh, and when Judy said you’re doing the most important job in the world, my first thought was “…PODcasting??” Then I got it.

    Good luck on that entry level self deprecator job. Now you’re just doing it freelance.

    I’ll head over to the Talent Search dealio, listen & give ya some love.

  6. Ok, heard the rest.

    Another cool, poignant fatherhood moment. I don’t have kids, but love your relating of The Further Adventures of Hudson and your reactions to them. (sniffs)

    I hesitate to say this (cuz could be good or bad) but maybe your new job could be Stage Dad.

    Too bad they didn’t have a dolly for the couch. Could’ve had an establishing shot with him start lifting (the struggling he liked), then lift it for him, put the dolly underneath and shoot to miss it (or mask it in post).

    Jeez, now I’M giving the notes. 8*)



  7. Dan-

    First post for me..a little late since your already at #102. But I’ve been listening and laughing for a couple of months now. Spreading the word as I go. I love the show. I always think of a good friend who’s from LA and has similar personality to you.

    I liked the Hudson story. I have a young (

  8. did I miss it, or did you get the rigid acoustic panels, do they work, and most importantly, what are they called?

    We just moved and my new “studio” is decidedly echo-y. I hate recording with a blanket over my head.

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