#133: Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word


Grand Master tells us that there are only two phrases you need to know that will get you through any situation: “Thank you very much” and “I’m so sorry.” Yeah? Easier said than…said outside the dojo.

I talk about gas prices finally hitting where it hurts, how sometimes I have to do the Riverdance (even when I don’t want to), and some other stuff that I really can’t remember right now. I don’t actually listen to the show, I just record…

The Bitterest Pill Premium Affiliate Program Beta is NOT ready to launch. Close, but not yet. I’ll keep you posted.

This show is currently only available to Premium Pill Subscribers. If you’re not a Premium Pill subscriber, perhaps you will enjoy this free episode of “Tequila & Bonetti,” a fantastic example of network television in the 1990s. Seriously, you could sell this as a spoof…

And, yes, that is Mariska Hargitay.

10 thoughts on “#133: Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word

  1. My heart bleeds for you at $4 a gallon for petrol (gas). We are running at about $10 a gallon, getting on for $12 for diesel – 65% of this is tax too.

    Damn, I just stood on an ant – that is bound to cause a “supply concern” for the oil companies and raise the price. Seriously, when are we all going to say “enough is enough”? They operate a cartel that would, in any other industry, be seen as anti-competitive and illegal. So, when the people who control the supply of oil and the price say the price is going to be $200 a barrel soon, go figure what the price will be? Must be the easiest thing in the world to pay a guy to bomb a pipeline. The return on investment in terms of the oil price increase due to the “supply concern” must be enormous.

    There is a lot of scientific evidence that the supply of oil isn’t going to dry up either. This is the scam of the century IMO. There is certainly no sign that the oil companies are reducing their output, which is the pattern you would expect for a diminishing resource, lower output and more to buy it.

    I am sorry. Grrrr

  2. Wayne: And yet how many of us have changed our driving habits / petrol consumption?

    Dan: Another great Pill. I am so envious of your ability to take seemingly disparate and unrelated thoughts and weave them into a compelling story that simultaneously entertains, teaches, and consoles. Tying the karate master’s words of wisdom to your encounter with the “artwork with no name, and the paperwork with no artwork…” lady from H’s school, proves to me that not only are you a better storyteller than you give yourself credit for, but also far more enlightened about these crazy forces of the universe with which we grapple on a daily basis. Thank you very much. I’m sorry.

  3. Just want to say a big THANKS for another great Pill! I loved the part about the Arff-ad, because I have been in a similar situation just a few weeks ago myself, and I understand your frustration. And I do believe that most situations can be resolved with “I’m sorry”… But it’s sooooo hard to do it! Keep up the good work, my american friend.


    / Andy

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  5. John D: You make a fair point, but one of the issues we have here, never mind the USA where you pretty much have to use a car (some streets in Beverley hills don’t have pavements (sorry, I must use the English language)). I have a day job that is about 30 miles away and the alternatives to the car are twice as expensive and twice the commute time, so my kids would see less of daddy!

    Time to take the foot off the pedal and arrive 10 minutes late i think.

  6. Dan failed to mention this time that he actually worked on “Tequila and Bonetti.”

    No, you won’t see him on camera, he was behind the scenes.

    Hard to believe that was a real show, right? Okay, it was a comedy. But still.

    And Mariska Hargitay is just as good playing an airhead as she is playing a hardass with an emotionally crippling backstory.

  7. Wayne from the UK/Dan:
    We are paying over $6 per gallon for petrol in Australia; can’t believe how bad you have it in the UK.

    I can’t believe you have had yet another bad experience with Hudson’s school Dan. If I were you I’d cut my losses with that place

    I have emailed you about putting your button thingy on my Facebook, but no response. Is this perhaps still getting finalised?

    Thank you very much

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